A special otaku beauty girl who transforms into a heroine of justice "Wonder Blue" and fights evil by the power of the mysterious notebook "Wonder Note". And the best friend of the beautiful sky "Shichio Hyakuai" who loves girls. Hyakuai is the heroine of unknown justice "Wonder Blue". A hundred yen to tell the beautiful sky that he was attacked by a monster and helped by Wonder Blue. At that time, he was taken away by the Eroeronian Empire. Wonder Blue is heading to Ajito in the EroEron Empire to help a hundred yen. It’s Wonder Blue, which defeats the suspicious people of the EroEron Empire with overwhelming strength, but is captured by a reckless hand. Mandated Wonder Blue. The dubious men try to love Wonder Blue for their hostage, Yuri. It was a limestone that showed disgusting gestures, but I really loved Wonder Blue and wanted to be loving. At that time, when the Wonder Blue Armor begins to shine, it disappears with the light. This is the Wander Blue weakness that Miku wrote in his Wonder Note. Viewers want a more thrilling development that will be interesting with overwhelming strength! and as time went on, armour... He then left the mask in his notebook so that it would disappear. Wonder blue suddenly starts to burn, remembering it. The sluggishly-touched hyakuai is urged by the suspicious men, while the body of Wonder Blue. Will Wonder Blue be able to get rid of suspicious men? [HAPPY END]