After the funeral, she and her brother-in-law were married to a woman who had lost her wife. "Would you like to live with her?" "I think it's nice to live together with a witty family." "Let me think slowly." "You haven't been here since your brother was hospitalized?" "What is your brother-in-law saying?" My brother-in-law, who is holding up to her younger brother's wife after his relative returns, "Today it was my husband's funeral. What are you doing?" The same classmate has loved her aunt for a long time, so he decided to celebrate her birthday, but the man who became a ginguin... "Unlike that time, I want to have sex instead of masturbation!" "Wait a minute!" the mother suddenly confesses and is attacked with momentum, "Oh no! It will leak!" "Mr. Oba, you're too squeaky," says the 50-year-old mother who spits out her piss over and over again and flirts like a beast. 2 episodes