She married her wife, Ryoko, in her seventh year of marriage this year. My sister's wife, Ryoko, and I still grow love love. The other day, the president of a business partner who likes me invited me to swap. I've only recently married a young wife at this president Batsu 3, but I usually love the storyline, erotic people are coming out, and I also like it when that time! I said something like that. then it really becomes a jerk .... Ryoko said she was invited to have a dinner party with her wife, and even though she somehow misunderstood it, she welcomed the day. A toast while holding a pot. The president complimented me and felt like he was tickling, but his wife was more cute than I had imagined! I was excited in a different sense. Alcohol progresses and it is time to change seats. Ryoko is next to the president, and my wife is next to me. When I was having some fun drinking, I started to say that my wife was drunk unexpectedly, so I went to a separate room with her. I had sex with my wife. I felt guilty and went to see the situation of Ryoko. The president and Ryoko are zuppi. And it's more erotic than usual. But this is still the beginning, and it seems that an erotic party has not started yet.